The welcome we extend doesn't start with us. We are not just a welcoming church, but a church of our welcoming God.
And it isn't about us. It's about God. And God welcomes you -- not just to this website or to our building -- but to a life that is not lived alone.
Read our Welcome Statement
During the next nine months, People of Hope is going to participate in The Narrative Lectionary. So you might be wondering what this means. Well, we generally use the Revised Common Lectionary as guide to what Biblical readings we use for Sunday morning worship (as do millions of Christians throughout the world). Though the Revised Common Lectionary has united the church in its reading of scripture and has given much needed structure, it doesnt present scripture especially the Old Testament in a way that helps people to become fluent in the first language of faith. The Narrative Lectionary is an attempt to take nine months to do just that.
In the next nine months, we are going to use The Narrative Lectionary to work through the story of Gods people, from Abraham and Sarah through Acts. In the fall, we will work through the Old Testament. During Christmas, Epiphany, and Lent the readings will be from the Gospel of John. During the season of Easter the readings will be from Acts. Because the lectionary is shaped this way, the church calendar is not abandoned Jesus is still born on Christmas and rises on Easter, and appropriate readings have been chosen for church seasons.
This should be an exciting way for us to enter in Gods story! Thank you for being a part of it!
Did You Know
Did you know that everyone is welcome to to take communion at POH regardless of race, nationality, age, political affiliation, marital status, gender identity, economic or social status, sexual orientation or mental and physical abilities.
Greg McLaughlin's Story: From Pain to Serenity
Greg was an active 50-year-old with a fulfilling life and a wonderful family. He worked two full-time jobs and even did foster care for troubled kids.
He felt he was making a difference in this world, and then illness struck.
But Greg tackled his medical situation and once again started making a difference for others. Join him on his journey from pain to serenity.