Custom Designed Voice Services Provider with Enhanced Unified Messaging
The only custom designed automated voice services provider in Northern Minnesota!
We are dedicated to providing you with a complete line of enhanced communication services designed to meet the changing needs of your home or business, at the lowest price. Our 24-hour, dedicated system provides immediate uninterrupted access to callers who need to reach you.
With our advanced call routing capabilities, including Calls-In-Queue, Mobile Office and Find Me services, your callers can reach you live - anywhere, anytime. And our Message-On-Hold feature allows those callers to hear personalized messages over music while they wait!
Because your voice mailbox has its own number, you will have the ability to use the same voice mail at multiple locations. For example, we can program your cell phone to use the same voice mailbox. This will allow you to have just one location to check for messages.
Our routing services can supplement or even replace traditional routing equipment! Does your staff operate out of the office? Our routing services keep your staff available wherever they are.
Open faxes in email! Password protect your confidential fax documents! Send faxes directly from your computer! RediFAX can eliminate your need for a FAX line, saving money every month!
Local Number Portability
Under the FCCs rules, as long as you remain in the same geographic area, you can switch service providers and keep your existing phone number. Service Solutions can maintain your number no matter where you are!
Branches and additional offices:
(218) 741-09501021 S 2nd Ave Virginia, MN 55792-2878