Established in 1976, the Park Institute is the largest Tae Kwon Do school in the area with one of the highest ranked Grandmaster instructors in the world.
Here, you will find information about Tae Kwon Do, why Park Institute is the best choice for martial arts, and how Tae Kwon Do can impact your life. If you do not live in Rochester, you can see if there is a branch school in your area.
You can meet students who practice Tae Kwon Do because it improves their physical fitness and provides the mental focus they need to stay in shape. You can also meet some of our families and kids to see how the Park Institute is committed to exercise in a family oriented environment.
We have a variety of classes for all levels and all ages, Monday through Saturday.
Call us today! 507-288-9000 3004 E. Frontage Road, Hwy 52 N., Rochester, MN