LeAnn Riley
I have a unique way of looking at the world. Some people may say I wear rose colored glasses. I always look at the optimistic view, no matter what happens. The reason is, I grew up in a family of 10 with parents that were both entrepreneurs. They approached life as a business and used their entrepreneurial skills to plan out strategies to reach their dreams. At one point, the whole family lived on a porch as Dad and brothers gutted a duplex and turned it into their dream house for the family. No problem was too hard to solve if you just put your mind and energy to work , had a vision and worked the steps. No matter what happened…
Rebuilding my life and business I followed my dream of going to college while working full time, and got a degree in marketing communications. I understood the mechanics of business and started my first venture, a national magazine, Dancing USA with my mother at her publishing company. A few years later, my sister and I bought the company and grew the magazine to the largest circulated ballroom dance magazine in the United States. As publisher, I ran the magazine for 20 years realizing the joy of working with my mother and sister. I was experiencing Real Freedom, designing my life.
Real Estate Riches I was single and tired of having a roommate. I had watched my brother invest in property and make money, maybe I could do this? I bought a triplex with a $4000 down payment from my credit card and a contract for deed from a friend. Ah…the dream of a home and money from the tenants to pay my mortgage. Again, using a business model to create affluence in my life. This triplex needed rehab and I met my second husband, a handyman. We married, had children and acquired and rehabbed rental properties in the Minneapolis inner city of over 100 units. We added vacation property, commercial properties; retail and apartments, even condo development and built a 12 million dollar portfolio. I began teaching seminars to investors on how to manage property, and grow a real estate business. I believe in helping others to find Real Freedom NOW. Today, as a real estate broker, master coach and mentor, I continue to teach people about money, business and real estate investing made SIMPLE, all this is part of living a life by design.
Multimillionaire To Food Stamps – Skinned Knees As the market was beginning to fall, so was my marriage. I lived in a big mansion on a lake and felt stuck and lost in how to unwind this huge portfolio and end the marriage. What I did was nothing, hide and pretend that it wasn’t happening, for several years. I denied that my life was a mess and there was a crash coming. As with most things we deny, they eventually come out into the open. When I discovered his affair, I could no longer deny reality. I finally had the courage to be DONE. I had no idea how the empire would crumble but it no longer mattered. I began to navigate the courageous path to Real Freedom NOW. I divorced and let go of all the real estate and the wealth. The children became my priority and the business of divorce and liquidation was the forefront for the next several years as this nightmare unwound. I went from multimillionaire to a solo parent with two struggling children and no money – we even had to live on food stamps to make ends meet. I discovered the tools to survive your most challenging days during that time and now teach the Seven Keys to A Wealthy Mindset.
Real Estate Investing Made SIMPLE Today, I coach and mentor people on how to grow a real estate portfolio, simply and easily in any market in the U.S. Our mission is to provide education, training and empowerment to embrace your passion, power and purpose to experience real freedom through building wealth with real estate. Thank you for visiting our website! Whenever you are in the process – finding your real freedom, struggling through life, or blossoming in your wealth zone – let us know how we can help you take the next step to Zest For Life and building the business and life of your dreams!