Manomin Resawn Timbers is all about �the good old days,� and we work passionately to bring that era to you and to your project. We recognize that reclaiming old lumber is about much more than tearing boards out of old buildings. We know that maintaining our high standards will result in the best, most beautiful outcome for you. Our diligence starts with sourcing the highest-quality wood and continues with precise milling that accentuates the best qualities and unique character of each and every board.
Manomin Resawn Timbers is a company that specializes in recycled/reclaimed resawn timber from 19th and 20th century structures for timbers, flooring and furniture. It is common knowledge that wooden structures built during these periods are extra strong and durable. Manomin Resawn Timbers, brings back the �good old days� with lumber from the 1820s.