At Baxter Chiropractic, we specialize in providing safe, high quality care to help heal your pain naturally, without drugs or surgery. We're committed to our patients and love helping them get healthy-- and stay healthy.
Whether you're dealing with an injury, trying to manage pain, seeking optimum performance, or just want to come in for a check-up and routine correction, we can provide the chiropractic care you're looking for.
Dr. Jobe and Dr. Flemmerincorporate nutrition, exercise, stretching, rehabilitation, massage, andphysiotherapy intotheir overall treatment protocol. You will find that the Doctors of Baxter Chiropractic are extremely dedicated totheir profession andtheir patients, while offering comprehensive chiropractic care in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere.
We welcome patients of all ages, and if you are interested in becoming a new patient, you can check out our New Patient Center at the top of the page. We look forward to meeting you!
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-- Thomas Edison