We help you help.
Whether you are taking care of an aging person in your life, or trying to manage your own health care services, Eldercare Partners gives you the tools you need to organize and cope with your personal situation. We help you help your loved ones — and yourself.
Call 651-234-2262 to talk to a trained Specialist who can match you with a Family Consultant in your area.
I care for my parent, spouse, relative or friend.
I need help managing the heath care services for myself or an elder.
I am a health care professional.
Eldercare Partners will have an information booth at the “Caring for a Person with Memory Loss” conference on Saturday, December 4, 2010.
“I have an older sister who has mental health problems that were growing increasingly worse. Her limited economic status and the loss of her husband had exasperated her condition and she was refusing to accept any help. You can imagine my frustration. After a bad experience with another organization, I contacted the Wilder Foundation and was connected with an Eldercare Partners Family Consultant.”
Over half of caregivers say their caregiving takes time away from friends and other family members.