Welcome to Schroeder Painting! We are a family owned and operated business serving Rochester, MN and surrounding communities since 2001.
Schroeder Painting services include:
Mike orSueSchroedercan be reached at (507)753-9105 or (507)261-0012, or go to ourCONTACT USpage. We offer free estimates, and have a flexible schedule to meet with you at your convenience.
Painting is a greatway to change the appearance and overall feel of aspace. It's the most affordable way togive your room a dramatic change.
If you are selling your home, a fresh coat of paint in a pleasant color can give your house a leg-up on the competition. Removing wallpaper can also make a world of difference, potential home buyers usually don't want to undertake a wallpaper removal project themselves.
The proper use of color can make a small room appear larger, or scale down an oversized room to make it feel moreintimate. Color can also make architectural details stand out.
We know choosing a paint color can sometimes be overwhelming, if you have a general idea (or even if you don't!)we would be happy to lend a hand. We have several tried and true hues to suggest. Be sure to check out ourLINKS page for product information and color selection help.
We will be adding more photos periodically, check back often!
Thanks for stopping by!