This is a special meeting regarding the Senior Pastor Call Committee. Please plan to attend.
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14 NIV
As God has abundantly blessed us, let us continue to walk in His light.
Call Committee Applications Available
Applications are being accepted for the Call Committee for a senior pastor. Please complete an application and return it to the Church office by November 3rd. Applications are available in the church office. Questions? Please contact Tom Heinrich.
Leave A Legacy & All Saints Sunday
Altar flowers on November 7th will be in memory of all departed loved ones. These flowers will be sponsored by the Leave a legacy team, who manages the Prince of Peace Endowment Fund. Gifts to the Endowment Fund have been made in memory of loved ones and every year, the team considers distributions of up to 5% of the fund balance. In 2010, gifts were approved tor Retired Work Group Tools, Memorial Window, Camp Wapo Scholarships, Loaves & Fishes, Bibles, lighting enhancements and a new projector. To leave a gift in memory or honor of a loved one, please complete the form in Sunday's bulletin and return it along with your gift to Charlie Olson by November 2nd. You will then be included in the list for the All Saints Sunday bulletin.
Thursday, November 11th 6:30 pm
As part of our vision for outreach ministry in our "Grow Deep and Reach Out" effort, we are working with the city of Brooklyn Park to engage residents in community initiatives that will help shape the future of our city. All Prince of Peace members and our nearby neighbors are invited. Child care will be provided. Contact Lori Clausen for more information.
Grow Deep with ACTS!
ACTS is our new adventure in adult spiritual growth. A new study begins November 14th! Paul, the Apostle, by David Nasser asks the question: "Has anything really changed in 2000 years?" Nasser explores how we can stand firm on scriptural truth even when we live in a culture that places emphasis on entertainment, achievement, and self - just like the Romans in ancient times.
POP Gourmet - This group is for those of us looking for fun and fellowship centered around scripture and scrumptiousness. We’ll cook, share recipes, serve together, and eat like gourmet chefs. Our next gathering is Thursday, November 5th. If interested, email Donna Roach.
Men's Activities in Christ
With a successful (relatively) softball season behind us, the men of Prince of Peace wanted more options to stay connected. So, we’ve put together a calendar of men’s activities to enjoy. Read More.
Simply Giving Since Prince of Peace began offering our automated giving program, many members have currently chosen to participate. Several members have told us how much they like the program for its convenience. They also mentioned how much they appreciate that their financial gifts to Prince of Peace continue even if they are out of town and unable to attend a worship service. Perhaps Electronic Giving is a way to help you achieve your stewardship goal for Prince of Peace. Contact Charlie for more information or to get your form.
Office Hours: 8am-4pm Monday-Friday e-mail us at
Branches and additional offices:
(651) 484-41442561 Victoria St N Saint Paul, MN 55113-3499