Specializing in pain relief and injury prevention.
Lake Region Therapy Services specializes in the treatment and prevention of pain. We've had specialty training in the treatment and prevention of pain and are dedicated to helping you protect your company's most valuable assets--Your Employees! We offer employer solutions for injury prevention and if an injury does occur, we are dedicated to the relief or significant reduction of acute or chronic pain and the return to a more normal lifestyle for all of our clients. We invite you to explore our website and see all of the services we have to offer.
Our goal is injury prevention; but if you do have an injury or a condition, we're here to help.
Conditions Commonly Treated:
Pelvic Floor Pain/Dysfunction
Urinary incontinence, urgency, and/or frequency
Many other diagnoses are successfully treated as well. Please inquire about your condition if it is not listed.
Branches and additional offices:
(218) 844-5555803 Roosevelt Ave Ste 301 Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-3744