Northland Painting of Duluth, Inc. and Northland Restoration Center are full service professional painting companies serving the northland for over 20 years. Fully licensed, Insured and Bonded.
Commercial Painting and Wall Covering
Industrial Coatings and Tank linings
Abrasive Blasting, Water Blasting and Steel Shot Blasting
Plaster and Drywall Applications
I.P.C. (Impact Wall-Covering)
Traffic Barring Coating and Concrete Deck Sealer
Asphalt Seal Coating and Striping
Lead Paint Abatement and Containment
Intumescent Fire Coating
Historical Restoration Projects
Commercial, Industrial, Retail and Residential Property Maintenance
Furniture Stripping and Refinishing
In Shop, Fully enclosed Paint Booth and Blast Booth Servicing the Auto, Marine,
Over The Highway, Implement, Commercial, Industrial and Residential Worlds.
Northland Painting also offers Professional Planning, Interior Design and Specifying, Paint Coating, Wall-Covering, Surface Preparation, Application and Equipment. It's our goal to insure your projects' success from start to finish.
Simply Email us or click on Contact Us for Customer Service to send us your Plans, Thoughts and Ideas.
It's free and we are pleased to help.
Local, State and Federal Government
Members: Painting Contractors of America, Duluth Chamber of Commerce, Painters Local 106, Duluth Builders Exchange, Lions Club of America.
Certified By: OSHA, MPCA, MN-DOT, Hazardous Waste Generator licensed Training; First-Aid, Safety Program, Pulmonary Testing, Drug and Alcohol Random testing, Confined Space, Journeyman Upgrades.