The Cottages are located in a beautiful setting with great access to shopping, restaurants, clinics and more.
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Friends and family have peace of mind knowing their loved ones receive high quality support and assistance.View Floor Plans>>
We work with each resident, family member, and personal physician to design a customized service plan.
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Evergreen is a Senior Living Campus for adults who want to remain independent while having access to services and amenities. With the exceptional service we provide, we are confident you will find what you are looking for, whether it at Evergreen Knoll- our Assisted Living Residence, or at Evergreen Cottages- our Independent Residence!
Evergreen Senior Living is owned by HADC Cloquet, LLC who sole member is Housing Alternatives Development Company, a Minnesota non-profit corporation. Our goal is to provide quality senior housing options that offer comfortable living environments, with programs and services that encourage continued independence and active retirement combined with preventative and supportive health care. Learn more about HADC at
After you have had the opportunity to review our information, we would be happy to answer any questions that may arise! Please call Terri Langevin at (218) 878-3302.
Martin Luther Campus has been serving seniors in the areas of assisted living, memory care, transitional care, adult day care and long term care for over 50 years.
1401 East 100th Street, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA, 55425