Prairie Pride Cooperative
Lyon County Co-operative Oil Company was formed in 1924 under the name of Marshall Co-operative Oil Company. The director's names at this time were G.A. Smith, President; L.A. Wewetzer, Pete Rock, C. Hiusenfeldt, Charles Cravens, Secretary and manager from 1924 to 1943; J.M. Schrader, and August Durenberger, Vice-President. The name change from Marshall Co-operative Oil Company to Lyon County Co-operative Oil Company was in 1926. This name change was to include the surrounding communities in Lyon County. As of June 1st, 2000 we are now doing business as PRAIRIE PRIDE. The long term managers were George Abrahamsen from 1948 to 1975, Willard Engel from 1975 to 1997. Our current manager today is Emmett Thomsen. Your current Board of Directors today include; Al Steffes, President; Gerald Leitz, Vice-President; Roger Verly, Secretary/Treasure; Don DeLanghe, Jim Larson, Dave Clarke, Randy Dombek, Denny Wild, Brian Ludeman.
Today we proudly serve Marshall, Ivanhoe, Tracy and Slayton areas with Refined Fuels, Bulk Lubricants, and Propane. We strive to bring our clients quality products along with exceptional service at competitive prices.