Welcome to TheLawFirm.net
The LawFirm.net is a legal website dedicated to educating and guiding the public to legal representation in your area. We also provide an informative resource center geared toward anyone looking for in-depth information on a wide variety of legal topics. Our resource center includes a user-friendly interface, frequently asked questions, and statistical data. We provide content that is important to any potential user searching for a law firm.
We believe a website should adhere to a high standard of quality and equally reflect the high standard of legal representation associated with our website. When you read over our website, you will obtain a better understanding of the law.
The Mayority of Law Firms Are Solo Practitioners
The smallest law firms consists of solo practioners (only one lawyer), and they comprise the majority of lawyers in most countries. In the United states, many firms are also small firms, which can have up to 50 lawyers, or midsize firms, which charge from 51 to 200 lawyers. Large firms are those that have more than 1,000 lawyers. Normally, these types of lawfirms have lawyers and offices in several countries and bill up to $750 per hour.