Rochester Catholic Schools provide quality Catholic education in Rochester, Minnesota, for nearly 1,800 students in our elementary schools and at Lourdes High School. Our schools promote faith formation, academic excellence and service learning experiences for all students. We foster a Catholic culture dedicated to quality instruction, high expectations for students and faculty, an inclusive, nurturing environment and a challenging curriculum. Rochester Catholic Schools are known for preparing students for success in leading Christian adult lives.
Rochester Catholic Schools are committed to quality instruction and academic achievement for every student. Our students consistently demonstrate tremendous academic achievement in standardized test scores and a wide array of academic benchmarks. World language instruction in Spanish and French begins for all students in our all-day, everyday Kindergarten.
Faith Formation and Service Learning
Rochester Catholic Schools strive to help students develop their unique God-given gifts and talents. This process begins with a sustained commitment to educate children in the Catholic faith. All students participate in religion instruction, liturgical celebrations, student retreats, and service initiatives. Student religion instruction encompasses the study, knowledge and pursuit of God through Scripture, service, worship and prayer. Students attend weekly Mass and participate in service learning experiences at all grade levels. We are committed to forming and strengthening each students relationship with Jesus Christ.
Music, Drama and Fine Arts
Rochester Catholic Schools are renowned for their legacy of shaping the whole child through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, including cultivation of music, drama and art. Our art instruction encompasses age-appropriate concepts of color, line, shape, texture and skill, using a variety of art media. Our K-8 music instruction is considered one of the finest assets that we offer to the entire Rochester community. The Music Department at Lourdes High School consistently wins state-wide awards for their Marching Band, Drum Line and vocal music performance. All of our schools offer opportunities for participation in theatre and dramatic arts, including the production of an annual musical or play at each school.
Life Skills and Athletics
Physical fitness for life is an essential element of the educational programming at Rochester Catholic Schools. Opportunities for structured physical education and health classes, combined with school athletic teams, allow all of our students to acquire the necessary tools for remaining active and healthy into adulthood. We promote not only exceptional athletic achievement, but equally important sportsmanship and personal growth.
Visit us to learn more about Rochester Catholic Schools
We invite you to contact any of the Rochester Catholic Schools for more information or to schedule a tour of our schools.