Finding a church home can be a very difficult and challenging task. Deciding where you want to worship and grow in faith is an important decision in your life.
What we hope to do through this website is to give you an idea of what we're about at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church. However, it is impossible for us to do anything more than give you a thumbnail sketch of who and what we are.
What we can tell you is this: "We are a group of believers who gather together to worship and serve others." We can tell you that we believe that faith is a gift from God. We can tell you that we are forgiven and saved by Christ and him crucified. And we can tell you that you are cordially invited to come and be a part of us in any way you desire or feel comfortable.
The best way to determine if something is right for you is to try it out. Go for a test ride in the vehicle. Walk around the store in new shoes. Walk through the home that's for sale. Or, in this case, the best way to see if a church is "right" for you is to come and worship.
So, if you are interested in finding a new congregation, simply drop by for worship and feel free to ask questions of the people listed in our staff directory.
Branches and additional offices:
(952) 474-8893301 County Road 19 Excelsior, MN 55331-3050
(612) 869-94416541 16th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55423-1751