We at Bodine Painting Co. have been in the residential painting business here in the metro area for the past 24 years. We do all forms of interior and exterior painting and repairs. We do large and small projects. We paint existing homes, remodeled homes, new homes, condos, townhomes and apartments. We do all enameling, staining, wall and ceiling painting, woodwork, cabinets and a list of specialty Faux painting.
The amount of detailing varies from just putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls, to meticulously repairing and painting walls, ceilings and woodwork throughout. We wear traditional "whites" on the job and clean up after ourselves daily. Our focus is to do the work right the first time and to make "you" the homeowner, very happy.
All estimates and initial color consultations are free.
Call me, and let me help you with your color ideas and give you prices on all your painting needs.