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Room 128 Gets a Makeover October 24, 2010
Have you ever visited room 128? It is located next to the weight room on the west side of the school. This classroom was designed to accommodate home economics classes, but has been used for many subjects including art, physics, anatomy/physiology, religion, and math over the years. More...
Meet the Freshman October 24, 2010
This year, the freshmen class at West Lutheran High School consists of 40 students that come from a variety of Lutheran Elementary grade schools in addition to a few public schools. This fun-loving group of ninth graders has enjoyed their first few weeks getting their feet wet with the whole high school scene. More...
Dinner Auction - A Cowboy Shindig October 24, 2010
“West Goes Western” was the theme of this year’s Annual Dinner Auction that was held on October 16, 2010. Approximately 170 parents, donors, and guests attended the event which was held in the WLHS gymnasium. The Silent Auction started at 5:00 p.m. followed by a delicious BBQ chicken and rib dinner, and at 7:30 the Live Auction began. More...
West Lutheran High School is accredited with the Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association.