Specialized, Private, Personalized, Hands-on
Instruction on ALL Pilates' Unique Equipment
Private lessons, Semi-private lessons,
Small Group Pilates Equipment Classes, Pilates Mat Classes, Yoga and Personal Training
Our experienced instructors are committed to providing the best instruction in
Classical and Contemporary Pilates
as well as work with individuals with specific rehabilitation needs.
(Pre-requisite required for all classes except
those denoted with an *)
Pre-registration and pre-payment required.
Mats are provided. Please bring your own Yoga Mat.
Private classes are available upon request.
Classes can also be held at your facility.
For more information about classes
Pilates devised many highly specialized pieces of equipment. It is important to have access to the full complement of this equipment in order to achieve the balanced workout, which is the hallmark of the original Pilates Method. Pilates should be taught by a comprehensively trained instructor with many hours of training and experience who understands the essence of the work and is not just showing you exercises. Not all Pilates Teacher Training Programs are created equal. For more information on instructor qualifications/hours of training/apprenticeship requirements, etc., please visit the website for the Pilates Method Alliance: www.pilatesmethodalliance.org
Do you go to your eye doctor to get your teeth fixed? Why go to a gym for Pilates?
Why should I try this?
Pilates is a gentle and effective rehabilitation modality, and can also be a hardcore workout. Pilates develops every aspect of physical fitness: strength, flexibility, coordination, speed, agility, and endurance. Pilates corrects posture and alignment, heightens body awareness, teaches correct muscle activation and promotes relaxation and the release of tension.
Pilates Equipment vs. Mat Only
The Pilates Method is based on a full, integrated system of equipment - the mat exercises are just part of the technique. By adding equipment, you experience a more authentic, quality experience. The equipment works better and faster to change the body, as the springs on the equipment provide support and resistance that allow you to enhance your core connections in a way that is difficut to do on the Mat alone. The equipment allows you to shape, tone and align quite differently than the Mat. Advanced core and proprioception is enhanced by equipment work.
Your nervous system likes change! Whether you take Mat classes alone or a combination of Pilates equipment and Mat, a mix of workout options is essential to getting the best results.
Pilates is excellent cross-training for athletes as well as the perfect exercise for all ages and physical limitations.
6:1 - Mat Classes
You may be spending less money in a large class setting, but are you benefiting from your instruction?