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Arlington Hills United Methodist Church
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It is a tradition at Arlington Hills to create a Poinsettia Christmas Tree in celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Address759 County Road B E Saint Paul, MN 55117-1800
Phone(651) 776-1547

Welcome to Arlington Hills United Methodist Church!

Our vision: We strive to be a vibrant community growing in faith, love and service.

Our mission: We are called to be a loving, Christ-centered church that deepens its faith through prayer and scriptural study, and lives its faith through service to the community.

Welcome New Member
On Sunday, November 7, we welcomed several new members to our Arlington Hills family. Were you interested in learning more about the United Methodist church and Arlington Hills? We will have another New Member Class in the spring. In the mean time don't hesitate to call the church office. Our pastors are always eager to chat with you, give you a tour of the church or answer any questions you might have.
Stewardship Sunday - November 14
We invite you to a joyful, gratitude-filled Stewardship Sunday worship service on November 14 at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Liz Lopez, Twin Cities District Superintendent, will deliver the message. After the worship a light brunch will be served. Please join us!
Following the brunch we invite our Staff Parish Relations Committee to meet with Rev. Lopez at 11:40 a.m. and our 5-year Ministry Plan Team to meet with her at 12:30 p.m.
The Hanging of the Greens
Join us Sunday, November 21 right after our worship service for our annual "Hanging of the Greens". Help us make the church beautiful for the Christmas season. We will have a simple meal, listen to Christmas music and have fun decorating. Join us for this fun and festive time.
Poinsettias Will Go on Sale Soon
It is a tradition at Arlington Hills to create a Poinsettia Christmas Tree in celebration of the birth of Jesus. The poinsettias order form is included with the November Builder newsletter, which should be arriving in your mailboxes soon, and will be in the Bulletin in the coming weeks. Orders will be taken at the Welcome Center beginning November 14. The cost per poinsettia is $7.50. Please turn in your order form with payment no later than November 28. (No late orders will be accepted this year) The plants may be taken home after the Christmas Eve service.
Youth Calendar Sales
The youth will once again be selling those beautiful full-color calendars! We are selling them at the Welcome Center. The cost is $7.00. They feature scripture verses for each week as well as beautiful scenic pictures. They make great appointment calendars for your home and wonderful gifts for the holidays!
UMW Christmas Fundraiser
Visit our United Methodist Women's page for information on our upcoming Christmas Cookie & Craft Sale.
New 2010 Church Directories Available
Pick up a new 2010 Church Directory in the church narthex. They contain lots of new and hopefully useful information. We have included email addresses in this printing. Check your families contact information and let Cindy know if we need to make any corrections in our records.
LOL - "Living Out Loud"
Our regular Wednesday night "happening" has kicked off for another season. Join us each Wednesday for LOL when we will share a really good meal together (thanks to our chef, Chris Lewis), attend a variety of classes for youth, adults and children, practice with the choir, or just have fellowship with each other. There is always childcare available.
The LOL meal for November 10 is Soup and Sandwich Bar. To make sure we have enough food we ask that you please RSVP by calling Maxine at 651 776-1547 or send her an email.

Arlington Hills now offers a way for you to use Electronic Funds Transfer to make your offering to the Unified Budget. Simply go to the Donations page on this site to read more about it and begin using this exciting new service. If you have any questions please contact Cindy.

Visit our News & Events page to read more about what is going on at Arlington Hills.
Visit our Youth Programming page to find out the latest Youth Happenings.


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