Newsletters: Wu Dang & Wee Wu Dang (updated 6/21/10)
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"Stillness is the
Twin Cities T’ai-Chi Ch’uan Studio is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation, dedicated to teaching and promoting the art of Yang-style T’ai-Chi Ch’uan T'ai-Chi Ch'uan. We believe that T’ai-Chi is universally accessible and that everyone–young or old, weak or strong, male or female, health enthusiast or martial artist–can benefit from its practice and study. To make T’ai-Chi and related arts available to all, we offer a wide variety of courses and times, and we are devoted to providing the highest quality training for teachers, students, and practitioners.
150-posture Yang-style long form
Pushing-hands and Ta-Lu
T'ai-Chi sword form and fencing
T'ai-Chi knife form and fencing
T'ai-Chi spear (solo and two-person)
Qigong and I-ch'uan standing meditation
Stretching and conditioning
-Group and private classes available.
-Visitors are always welcome.
-Please stop by for a free introductory class.