Central Medical Building - 393 North Dunlap, Suite #115
St. Paul, MN 55104 -- 651-646-2427"Hearing Health with a Personal Touch"
Hearing Loss is not the Burden it Used to be!
Through over 30 years of service to our patients, we know that hearing loss impacts the individual, their family, friends, and co-workers. It may mean withdrawal, anger, depression and feelings of hopelessness. And, the reality is it usually takes about 7 years before someone is willing to admit their hearing problem, and only 1 in 5 people with hearing loss actually seek help.
The typical signs of hearing loss, to name a few include: frequent repetition, responding inappropriately in conversations, difficulty hearing in noisy situations, and turning up the volume for radio and television listening. If you are experiencing any of these signs, now may be the perfect opportunity to schedule a hearing health consultation.
Your Life can be Changed.
Technology has presented options. Today your hearing health consultation is so much more than a hearing test. We discuss your lifestyle, the listening situations where you are comfortable and where you experience difficulties, what's important to you in managing your hearing, the types of products that are available to you, and the full array of opportunities that exist to bring you back to the world you have been missing. During your consultation we will give you the opportunity to compare hearing aids from different manufacturers, allow you to test those devices in a variety of listening environments, and present you with the best solution for your individual needs.
The First Step is Easy!
If you or someone important to you is showing the signs of hearing loss, email or call today to set up a free, no obligation hearing consultation. We will help you determine the best approach for bringing hearing back into your life. Our manufacturers include the industry leaders, and since we are a multi-brand dispenser, we can best match your most important needs to the brand and style of hearing aids that are the best possible fit at the most affordable price.
It's More than Just Hearing Aids.
We also offerproducts and services to protect your hearing, such as noise plugs for hunters, musicians, MP3 users, and those who work in loud environments. The gift of hearing is a one-time gift and we all need to protect what we have! For that reason, we also stock, display, and demonstrate a full range of noise protection products and assistive listening devices including amplified telephones, TV devices, alarm clocks, smoke detectors and more.
We also offer a variety of financing options and accept most major insurances. Improving your hearing health is the most important service we can provide and we will help you manage through the challenges some patients face in ensuring the best quality at the most affordable price.