Welcome to MENDAKOTA PEDIATRICS, serving the Southeast Twin Cities Metropolitan area since 2004. We're glad you've found us on the web and hope you'll give us a closer look. First of all, you will notice our clinic is small and old-fashioned in the most positive sense of both of those terms. Some might even describe us as "boutique." Well, we like to think of our practice as being the right size for the families we serve. Unlike the big corporate style clinics you'll find everywhere in the Twin Cities, we actually know our patient's names (and their parents' names, too!). We care if your child won a blue ribbon in 4-H just as much as we care if your child is struggling with mathematics or social skills. We are all about listening to your stories and giving back to you all the best we can in the form of great pediatric medicine.
So give us a call or stop by to see us. We promise a warm greeting and the best care around, like medicine was meant to be practiced.
Pertussis Outbreak in California and the need to Vaccinate: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/729614?src=emailthis
Immunizations and Your Child's Health
Flumist : a safe and effective vaccination for influenzaAdvice on H1N1 from the Centers for Disease Control
New Vision Service at Mendakota Pediatrics!