Our Family Owned Business Has Been Located In
St Paul Park For Over 40 Years!
720 4th St., St Paul Park, MN 55071
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 62, St Paul Park, MN 55071
Email your questions or comments to: tennissanitation@aol.com
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 4:30 pm **Closed Saturday & Sunday**
Fall is approaching and the Compost Pickup for the 2010 season is winding down. Just a reminder that the last pickup for the season will be the week of November 15th.
As a reminder, when calling for compost pickup, we cannot accept compost in ANY type of plastic bag, even if its "bio-degradable" plastic.
We can only accept compost in the purchased bio-degradable 30 gallon PAPER bags.
Effective January 1, 2010 Minnesota State law prohibits plastic bags from being disposed of in any yard waste compost facility. All lawn and leaf bags must be certified to be compostable.