MacDonald Montessori School is a unique non-profit early childhood program located in the culturally vibrant West 7th area of St. Paul. Our urban location also brings us into close relation with the Mississippi River and many other environmental inspirations.
At MacDonald Montessori, parents, teachers and children are all partners of a learning community with strong emphasis placed on each child’s unique abilities in thinking, reasoning, questioning and experimenting in life.
All three protagonists, the teachers, the children and the parents come from many varied cultural and educational backgrounds but together they form one community that sees all children as powerful and competent individuals deserving of an exceptional environment and many varied and complex materials.
Learn more about our program, history, philosphy.
Meet our staff and read a sample of our school newsletter.
Take a virtual tour of our classrooms or view our photo gallery.
Contact us or schedule a tour online or learn about our admissions process.
MacDonald Montessori to Host Fall Conference.
The Reggio Emilia Approach to Education: Experience in Dialogue
Download the registration form and brochure here.
“We must all work to make this world worthy of its children.”
This is about the concept of process versus product as the goal of learning. From my point of view it is about facilitating construction of knowledge together, instead of a more traditional way of teaching, where the adults guide the situation and consider the child as someone who learns more through a passive than an active attitude.
“Education is a natural process carried out and acquired not by listening to words, but by experiences in the environment.”