Welcome to our website! We are in the process of constructing a NEW WEBSITE which we hope will enhance our ability and desire to communicate. The project is nearing completion. In the mean time, we will do our best to keep the important scheduling and calendar information on this site...current! We ask that you be patient with us as we make this important change.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church looks to the future with faith, hope and enthusiasm. While we honor and live our lives as Episcopal Christians in the Anglican Communion, we also strive to be open to new ideas and opportunities for participating more fully in God's mission of reconciliation and restoration. The ministry of the laity is particularly important to us and we place a high value on Faith Formation for people of all ages. Further, and most important, all that we do is centered in our worthip of God and in our efforts to be a loving and caring community.
The direction of our life together is determined by the Baptismal Covenant as we seek to live out an affirmative response to the questions: "Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?"..."Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons loving your neighbor as yourself?"..."Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?" As followers of Jesus Christ we are also aware of our call to be a community of joy. Our hope is to be sent forth, a people forgiven, healed, renewed, empowered for ministry and "rejoicing in the power of the spirit."
Please feel free to visit us for worship or, if you have any questions, contact us.
Worship Schedule
At St. Luke's Episcopal Church, we make a special effort to welcome all newcomers and visitors to our services. At each Eucharist, all baptized Christians are welcome to participate in Holy Communion. We look forward to meeting you!
The Summer Schedule will begin on Memorial Weekend. Starting Sunday, May 30th.
Contact Web Editor with questions regarding this page. Last updated: 07/07/2010