Everything is made of energy. Everything vibrates. Everything has resonance and frequency. We are made of energy that vibrates, has resonance and frequency. Each one of us unique in the sound and energy of our being. The following body therapies that I offer utilize different approaches of aligning and harmonizing ones energy, vibrations, resonance and frequencies to a place within each of us where we touch the deep healing of the universe.
Welcome to Moseng Chiropractic P. L. L. P. of Montevideo MN. Our motto at our offices is No Spine Left Behind. To sum it up, we treat people of all ages, from infants to seniors.
Chiropractor in Fridley, Massage in Columbia Heights, Chiropractor in Columbia Heights, Spine Care in Columbia Heights, Xray in Fridley, Minneapolis Chiropractor
5174 Central Avenue Northeast, Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421, USA