We are dedicated to delivering the information and services our customers deserve. Our website has been designed to not only make your buying experience pleasant, and trouble free but also assist in providing you the best possible service after the sale.
SERVICE: Access the maintenance schedule for new Chevrolet cars and trucks. Country Chevrolet's rates for the most common maintenance items.
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NEW VEHICLES: Our complete new vehicle inventory includes photos of the actual vehicle inside and out, plus a list of the options it contains.
SPECIAL VALUES: Discount prices on the most popular Chevrolets, a wide variety of cars and trucks, vehicle accessories and maintenance services.
AUTO LOANS: Have your loan pre-approved, apply online or print a GMAC application to fill in at your convenience. Either way will save you time at the dealership.
USED VEHICLES: Accurate description of each used car and truck in our inventory including actual photos, updated twice weekly.
INFORMATION: Country Chevrolet's hours of operation for each department. Personnel email directory and direct dial telephone numbers.
WHAT'S MY TRADE WORTH?: Used car and truck wholesale and retail values based on actual vehicle sales and auto auction reports.