At Atlas Family Chiropractic, our mission is to maximize the quality of your LIFE. We know that health is truly about enjoying LIFE, and so much more than just avoiding pain. Our goal is to educate you and your family to lead a life free of drugs and surgery, and learn to live the lifestyle which promotes WELLNESS.
Be sure to attend our FREE class, "Live Your Life Without Limits." Call to reserve your seat today. 320.202.8527
Why Chiropractic Care Might Be a Better Option for Your Back Pain
The above headline comes from an October 10, 2010 article on the website Health Reform. The article, by Stephen Kelly, starts off by saying, "Research has shown that chiropractic care provides ...
Nine Year Old Boy Can Walk Again Thanks to Chiropractic
A feel good story by Barbara Morse Silva appeared on, June 1, 2009, on the NBC TV news station "" serving Rhode Island and Massachusetts. This story followed the case of a young ...
Reading Disabilities, Headaches, Neck Pain, and Asthma with Chiropractic - A Case Study
Published in the September 2010 issue of the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, is a case study documenting the improvement with chiropractic, of a young boy suffering from headaches, neck pain, ...
Medicines Top Source of Kids' Poisonings
The above headline is from a HealthDay News article published in the August 4, 2009 Atlanta Journal Constitution. A similar article also appeared on the MedPage Today website on August 5, 2009. ...