The majestic beauty of natural, handcrafted logs. Consider the impact log accents can make in your home or business. Best of all, know that, dollar for dollar, logs may be your best investment.
We make things using logs. Lots of things. Different things. Very different things. Tour our general products page to wake up your imagination. And then imagine low prices that might amaze you.
Results from a national survey have shown that 80% of comparable log products on the market cost more than ours, and that cost can be as much as 200% more!!
But forget costs right now. What about creative unique variety? What about the portrayal of the natural beauty found in a log product? What about features only found in our products, like scribed joints, weep-holes in exterior products, and wonderfully unique character logs? What about full service, such as custom creations, maintenance programs, consultation, and a full design service.
Our company uses state-of-the-art equipment and techniques in order to restore homes and businesses. We take great pride in our quality craftsmanship and in our attention to detail.